PARC Hamfest (2020)

The Playground Amateur Radio Club postponed oour hamfest this year. It was originally scheduled for March but was pushed to November. The YL and I rented a table and we had a good time. There was some good used equipment and great deals to be had. The coolest thing I saw there was this vintage … Read more

Data Modes

There’s a lot of different ways to transfer data. Of course there’s CW but I’m partial to psk31. Lately, I’ve been starting to experiment with other modes. I recently saw information online about a software TNC called Direwolf and I’ve also seen a project called ARDOP. I’m going to try Direwolf out and will try … Read more

Manually Program the Baofeng UV-82

This is a quick and dirty guide to programming a memory channel into the Baofeng UV-82. If you’re in channel mode power off the radio, hold down the Menu button and power it on. The radio will go into frequency mode. All operations below are done from Frequency Mode… Here we go:A. Set up a … Read more

Raspberry Pi/TNC-Pi Setup/configuration

This is a raw, working document intended to record how to set this up from scratch. Raspbian version: 2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian.img 1. Setup the OS: Use caution on your target storage device: sudo dd bs=4M if=2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdb 2.  Boot the card and expand the file system, change password, configure ssh server, and set hostname… then reboot the … Read more