Possibly not dead

So it seems a 2 month old company has bought Whistler. I’m not holding my breath yet but I’m hoping they provide software and library updates… we’ll see, for now I’d still stay away until I see support for radios in the wild.

Interesting Capability

Here’s an interesting capability: A dual band Handie Talkie with FM, AM, DSB and CW. Yep, you read that right,, it’s practically an all mode transceiver in an H/T form factor. You get what you pay for, this radio was cheap and yes, it’s from China, it sports a CE and an FCC slicker in … Read more


Over the years I’ve purchased and used software on various computers that I’ve owned over the years. Because I hold a bachelor degree in computer science I understand some, but not all of the issues. This problem is generally limited to the computer realm. As a ham radio operator I’ve also learned about the dependency … Read more

Absolutely 100% Impressed

I brought my IC-705 to my Mom’s for Thanksgiving. I also brought my buddipole portable antenna that I bought from my friend KB4OIF, John, back in March of this year. I was tuning across 40 meters and heard a signal on 7157, YN9H calling CQ DX. I had my power set at 30% on external … Read more

A Purpose For Amateur Radio

Imagine, you’re in an earthquake zone and you just had an earthquake… the internet and cell phones are out, power is spotty… or… Imagine you live in an hurricane prone area you just had a hurricane roll through… 95% of the cell towers were destroyed, downed trees have knocked out power over a wide area … Read more