There’s a lot of different ways to transfer data. Of course there’s CW but I’m partial to psk31. Lately, I’ve been starting to experiment with other modes. I recently saw information online about a software TNC called Direwolf and I’ve also seen a project called ARDOP. I’m going to try Direwolf out and will try and document my experimentation here. We’ll see what happens…
My goal is to try and set up a small Raspberry Pi based user “workstation” and a Raspberry Pi based packet BBS. I’ve played with packet on a TNC-Pi/Raspberry Pi and connected to Steve (KB4OID)’s node. This time I plan to use a Raspberry Pi/SignalinkUSB on each end and use a pair of Icom ID-880Hs into dummy loads for the RF chain. I may at later stages try to put the BBS on the AMPRNet, another project where I’ve made awsome progress.