N2XU signing on!

Well I have a lot of ideas and things I want to talk about.  My primary interest has been HSMM but there isn’t a lot of that going on in my neck of the woods so instead, I’ve been playing around with a lot of different stuff.  I listen to some of the HF nets, I’ve played around a little but with APRS, and I’ve done even less on packet, yet I own FIVE TNCs, a tiny track, a WXTRACK and a slew of radios… I have more than the average 4 year in the hobby ham would have.

I plan to do a lot in the HSMM, networking arena which is why I’m putting this notebook together. So, until next time monitor this space, I have some ideas of what I’m going to do here but we’ll see where it goes.

73, n2xu clear

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